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Project time

September 2011 - April 2012


Carry out a diagnostic of wood energy in Sudan after Separation frm South Sudan. Strengthen Sudan wood energy planning capacities and develop planning tools supporting inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary decision making processes, strategic planning and policy formulation.

Institutional settings

Activity carried out in the framework of the: Sudan Institutional Capacity Programme: Food Security Information for Action (SIFSIA) FAO OSRO/SUD/620/MUL


100 m pixel size.

Demand features

Demand 2011. Based on census 2008. Consumption in rural and urban areas in all sectors of use based on adjusted 1995 FAO/Forests National Corporation (FNC) Survey data. Recent references included: Sudan Households Health Surveys (SHHS) of 2006 and 2010; Sudan Household Baseline Survey (SHBS), 2009; State-wise statistics of LPG distribution; Recent reports and studies. Consumption mapping based on demographic data, map of settlements and IDP camps.

Supply features

Land cover data: GlobCover (preliminary analysis only) and FAO's Land Cover Mapping of Sudan 2011 (LCCS , with 75 classes and 690 class combinations).
Rainfall zones map. Geo-referenced plot data from the latest Forest inventory (FNC 1995) providing wood volume data.
Physical accessibility (based on slope and roads and settlement data).

Integration features

Pixel-level balance; Local-level balance within a 6km context; “commercial” balance based on various minimum (local balance) surplus thresholds.

Woodshed/bio-shed analysis

Woodshed analysis was done considering all major consumption site. The "weighted" woodshed was determined by the combined effect of both physical accessibility of available resources and of woodfuel demand exerted by each site considered. Woodshed results were used as reference for the estimation of sub-national fraction of Non Renewable Biomass (fNRB).

Integration with other aspects

Sub-national indicators related to poverty. Data from a variety of studies and surveys , were combined in order to provide a multi-dimensional definition of poverty and vulnerability of the populations in Sudan’s states. Source: SIFSIA - N, February 2011.


The study provided a comprehensive diagnostic of the difficult wood energy situation of Sudan, revealing a negative supply/demand balance even under the most optimistic scenario. The results show also that 7.6% of the rural population of the Country, i.e. some 1.6 million people, live simultaneous conditions of extreme poverty and high to critical woodfuel deficit. Another 13.3 % (2.8 million) live marked poverty conditions and medium-high woodfuel deficit. The study supported the evaluation of main policy options, considering different LPG penetration regimes and woodfuel import regimes, which were discussed in a policy brief.


Drigo R., Mohamed Osman El Hassan and Fatha el Aleem Mohie el Deen. 2012. WISDOM Sudan - Spatial analysis of woodfuel supply and demand in Sudan based on WISDOM methodology and new land cover mapping; Activity carried out in the framework of Sudan Institutional Capacity Programme: Food Security Information for Action (SIFSIA) FAO OSRO/SUD/620/MUL. FAO.
FAO-SIFSIA. The burning issue. Woodfuel balance and policy options in Sudan. A summary brief based on WISDOM analysis. Policy brief. In press.