CASE STUDY DETAIL: Central Africa Republic

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Central Africa Republic

Project time

October 2007 – August 2008


The scope of the project was to support the formulation of a strategy and action plan for the promotion of urban and peri-urban forestry for Bangui. Scope of theWISDOM analysis was to provide a comprehensive vision of the woodfuels supply/demand balance of the country as well as a detailed definition of Bangui’s sustainable supply zone and of the stakeholders (villagers, concession holders, charcoal makers, etc. currently and potentially involved in the supply chain.

Institutional settings

FAO. Collaboration among the Wood Energy Programme, the Urban and Periurban Forestry Programme and Project TCP/CAF/3003-3103 “Appui à la formulation d’une stratégie nationale et d’un programme de foresterie urbaine et péri-urbaine à Bangui”.


Multi-scale analysis: National analysis: 30 arc second (pixel of approx. 850x850 m);
Bangui woodshed analysis: 3 arc second (pixel of approx. 85x85 m)

Demand features

Population distribution map (FAO 2005b) adjusted to 2003 census data at Sous-Prefecture level. Consumption in rural and urban areas based on local studies.

Supply features

National analysis: Cartographic base: Global Land Cover 2000; MODIS Tree Cover Percent (Hansen et al 2003); Global Ecological Zone; Protected areas (IUCN-WCMC); physical accessibility map. The minimum, medium and maximum woody biomass productivity (total and commercial) per land cover class was based on existing references and industrial roundwood statistics.
Bangui woodshed: Cartographic base: New interpretation of Landsat data; detailed road map and digital terrain model, concession maps. Productivity based on local forest inventory data and on residues from selective felling in concession areas.

Integration features

National analysis: local balances, within 30 arc-second cells, between the potential sustainable productivity available for energy uses (total and commercial) and current woodfuel consumption.
Bangui woodshed: local supply/demand balance, within 3 arc second cells.

Woodshed/bio-shed analysis

A first, preliminary delineation of Bangui woodshed was carried out at low resolution on the basis of national data. This was used to delimit the area for detailed interpretation and additional data collection. On the basis of the new high resolution data, Bangui woodshed was re-defined considering also different management intensities. Woodshed delineation was used to identify the villages and village populations currently/potentially involved in fuelwood and charcoal production. See (see Figure_ in “Thematic coverage” Section)

Integration with other aspects

Not implemented


The results of the woodshed analysis were used in the formulation of a urban and periurban forestry strategy. They are currently used to review forest management planning in the concessions around Bangui with the objective of providing sustainable woodfuels along the traditional timber assortments.


Drigo R. 2009. WISDOM pour les villes - Plateforme WISDOM pour Bangui. Diagnostic et cartographie du territoire et de la société pour le bois Énergie. FAO Project TCP/CAF/3103