CASE STUDY DETAIL: Croatia, national

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Croatia, national

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The scope of the project was wide and captured all areas important for the promotion of charcoal production and sustainable utilization of biomass for energy:

Institutional settings

The WISDOM application in Croatia was undertaken within the framework of the project Sustainable Development of Charcoal Industry in Croatia TCP/CRO/3101, implemented by the Government of Croatia with the support of FAO.
The national institutions involved in the WISDOM CROATIA implementation are the following: Hrvatske šume Ltd. (state agency for forest management); Faculty of forestry, University of Zagreb; Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar ; North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency.


The spatial unit selected for the WISDOM CROATIA application was the level of Croatian municipalities (in total 550 entries). A smaller part of data is available at the level of settlements (6731 entries).

Demand features

Reference to Demand Module data from WISDOM analysis of Slovenia

Supply features

Reference to Supply Module data from WISDOM analysis of Slovenia

Integration features

Reference to Integration Module data from WISDOM analysis of Slovenia

Woodshed/bio-shed analysis

Not included

Integration with other aspects

In addition to standard demand and supply features, WISDOM CROATIA includes information regarding charcoal, wood briquettes and wood pellets producers in Croatia (capacity, production, feedstock consumption, export rate, etc.)


The extensive analysis and database over both supply and demand of woodfuels in Croatia and the following main outputs:
• Wood energy maps and information system,
• Analysis of domestic and international charcoal markets,
• Overview and economic evaluation of existing charcoal production technologies,
• Identification of legal/institutional aspects and gaps for charcoal and biomass energy,
• An action plan for the modernization of charcoal industry,
• Capacity building and education,
• interactive county-level web-based information for bioenergy producers and users

Further recommended developments of WISDOM Croatia, should include:
• other types of biomass (ex. liquid biofuels, agricultural biomass) and availability of land for their production;
• economic and social aspects of biomass production and utilisation;
• environmental impact of biomass production and consumption;
• other types of renewable energy sources (ex. solar and wind energy).


Segon V., I. Milkovic, M. Vrebcevic, G. Kovac and R. Pernar. Editors: J. Domac and M. Trossero. 2009. WISDOM Croatia. Spatial woodfuel Production and consumption analysis applying the WISDOM methodology. FAO Project TCP/CRO/3101.